Global Data Sets
(Values for gridded data are on a per
grid cell basis (1)
) |
WWAP Themes |
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Arc E00 (zip) |
Source Material |
A. Gridded fields
of major water balance components |
All |
(A1) Annual precipitation (mm/yr per grid cell) |
(A2) Annual evapotranspiration (mm/yr per grid cell) |
(A3) Annual runoff (mm/yr per grid cell) |
(A4) Annual river discharge (blended, km3/yr per grid cell) |
B. Climate moisture indices |
All |
(B1) CMI, annual mean (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
(B2) CMI, annual CV (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
C. Dams, lakes and reservoirs
database |
Water for Energy,
Protecting Ecosystems |
(C1) Dams and reservoirs (point attributes) |
(C2) Lake density (% of grid cell area) |
(C3) Lake volume (km3 per grid cell) |
D. Population |
Sharing Water
Resources, Meeting Basic Needs, Cities |
(D1) Urban population, year 2000 (people per grid cell) |
(D2) Rural population, year 2000 (people per grid cell) |
(D3) Total population, year 2000 (people per grid cell) |
E. Major wetlands and floodplains |
Protecting Ecosystems |
(E1) Wetlands (dominant wetland type) |
(E2) Floodplains (% per grid cell) |
F. Irrigated lands |
Securing Food Supply |
(F1) Irrigation-equipped area (km2 per grid cell) |
G. Irrigated water use |
Securing Food Supply |
(G1) Irrigation water withdrawals, year 2000 (millions of m3/year per grid cell) |
H. Domestic and industrial water
use, and their proportional use |
Water for Industry,
Water for Energy, Basic Needs/Health, Sharing Water |
(H1) Industrial water use, year 2000 (millions of m3/year per grid cell) |
(H2) Domestic water use, year 2000 (millions of m3/year per grid cell) |
(H3) Ratio of industrial to total water use, year 2000 (% per grid cell) |
(H4) Ratio of domestic to total water use, year 2000 (% per grid cell) |
(H5) Ratio of (industrial + domestic) to total water use, 2000 (% per grid cell) |
I. Water pollution indicators |
Protecting Ecosystems,
Meeting Basic Needs, Governing Wisely |
(I1) Mobilizable nitrogen loads (kg N/km2/yr per grid cell) |
(I2) Total nitrogen flux (kg N/km2/yr per grid cell) |
(I3) Basin-averaged dissolved inorganic nitrogen flux (kg N/km2/yr per grid cell) |
(I4) Mean annual relative water stress index (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
(I5) Monthly relative water stress index, month July (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
(I6) Mean annual water reuse index (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
(I7) Monthly water reuse index, month July (unitless ratio per grid cell) |
J. Impacts of upstream impoundment
on sediment transport to coastal zone. |
Protecting Ecosystems,
Sharing Water |
(J1) Basin trapping of sediment (% land-to-ocean flux trapped upstream) |
K. Digitized River Networks |
All |
(K1) Global potential river network, 30 minute resolution |
(K2) Global active river network, 30 minute resolution |
(K3) Africa potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
(K4) Australasia potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
(K5) Asia potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
(K6) Europe potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
(K7) North america potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
(K8) South america potential river network, 06 minute resolution |
L. Selected discharge
gauging stations |
All |
(L1) UNH/GRDC Composite Runoff Fields V1.0 |
na |
na |
Information |
WWAP Themes |
Image (jpeg) |
Ascii |
E00 |
M. Pan-tropical runoff and human
vulnerability |
Protecting Ecosystems |
(M1) Scenario 1: Change in runoff (del RO, in mm/yr) |
(M2) Scenario 1: Change in discharge (del Q, km3/yr) |
(M3) Scenario 1: Relative change in discharge (ratio del
Q/Q) |
(M4) Scenario 2: Change in runoff (del RO, mm/yr) |
(M5) Scenario 2: Change in discharge (del Q, km3/yr) |
(M6) Scenario 2: Relative change in discharge (ratio del
Q/Q) |
N. African Water Water Stress
study |
All, and Relevant
Case Studies |
(N1) Agricultural area (in km2) |
(N2) Annual CMI, mean |
(N3) Annual CMI, coefficient of variability (CV) |
(N4) Domestic + industrial + agricultural water use, 1995
(DIA, km3/yr) |
(N5) Annual discharge (Q), mean (km3/yr) |
(N6) Annual discharge (Q), 30-yr low (km3/yr) |
(N7) Annual discharge (Q), annual coefficient of variability
(CV) |
(N8) Seasonal variability, ratio of monthly maximum to
monthly minimum (Q maxmin) |
(N9) Irrigated area (km3/yr) |
(N10) Annual runoff, mean (mm/yr) |
(N11) Annual runoff, coefficient of variability (CV) |
(N12) Relative water stress index (RWSI = DIA/Q), mean
annual Q |
(N13) Relative water stress index (RWSI = DIA/Q), 30-year
low Q |
(N14) Months with RWSI (mean monthly) exceeding 0.4 |
(N15) Number of people (thousands) exposed to water stress,
mean annual Q |
(N16) Number of people (thousands) exposed to water stress,
30-year low Q |
(N17) Water reuse index, mean annual |
South American Hydrometeorological
Data Bank |
Ensuring the Knowledge
Base & Several Others Requiring Baseline Information, Case Studies |
LBA-HydroNET V2.0 |
na |
na |
Lake Victoria Water Access/Cholera
Analysis |
Basic Needs/Health |
Characterizing water scarcity in Africa at different scales |
na |
na |