H1 through H5 DESCRIPTION:


Gridded fields of domestic and industrial water use for 2000 (in millions of cubic meters per year per grid cell) at 30 minute (latitude by longitude) resolution. Sectoral water use statistics were from WRI (1998). Reporting years for each country varied so national statistics were normalized to year 2000 by applying usage trends recorded in corresponding regional time series (Shiklomanov, 1996). Domestic water demand was computed on a per capita basis for each country and distributed geographically with respect to the 1-km total population field. Industrial usage was applied in proportion to urban population. Grid-based aggregates at 30-min resolution were then determined for domestic plus industrial water demand.




(H1) ind_2000_mlnm3.asc = Gridded fields of domestic water use (in millions m3/year) for 2000. Primary source: Vörösmarty et al. (2005).
(H2) dom_2000_mlnm3.asc = Gridded fields of industrial water use (in millions m3/year) for 2000. Primary source:
Vörösmarty et al. (2005).
(H3) i_dia00.asc = ratio of industrial (I) water use to total water use (DIA) for 2000. Primary source:
Vörösmarty et al. (2005).
(H4) d_dia00.asc = ratio of domestic (D) water use to total water use (DIA) for 2000. Primary source:
Vörösmarty et al. (2005).
(H5) di_dia00.asc = ratio of D+I water use to total water use (DIA) for 2000. Primary source:
Vörösmarty et al. (2005).




Shiklomanov, I., ed. 1996. Assessment of water resources and water availability in the world: scientific and technical report, State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.

World Resources Institute (WRI). 1998. World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment 1998-99, Washington, DC.

Vörösmarty, C.J., C. Leveque, C. Revenga (Convening Lead Authors) Coordinating Lead Authors: Chris Caudill, John Chilton, Ellen M. Douglas, Michel Meybeck, Daniel Prager. 2005. Chapter 7: Fresh Water. In: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Volume 1: Conditions and Trends Working Group Report. Island Press. In press.


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