Lehner, B. and P. Döll (2004): Development and validation of a global database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 296/1-4: 1-22.
Item ID, Ranges from 1 (upperleft corner) to 259200 (lower right corner).
Item Class, ranges from 1 to 12
Dominant Value Class
1 Lake
2 Reservoir
3 River
4 Freshwater Marsh, Floodplain
5 Swamp Forest, Flooded Forest
6 Coastal Wetland (incl. Mangrove, Estuary,Delta,Lagoon)
7 Pan, Brackish/Saline Wetland
8 Bog, Fen, Mire (Peatland)
9 Intermittent Wetland/Lake
10 50-100% Wetland
11 25-50% Wetland
12 Wetland Complex (0-25% Wetland)